Introduction- Wedge Wire Screen
Wedge Wire Screen Cylinder is composed of rod strips and V shaped wires through manufacturing on specialized
welding machine.The rib strips and V shaped wires will be welded by resistance welding,has enough welding
strength, equally slot gap, high corrosion resistance, large filter area, good permeability, simple structure
Application- Wedge Wire Screen
Wedge Wire Screen Cylinder is a kind of filtered water tubing with the perforation .it can use with the deep well pump,
dive the water pump, also in the water-treating equipment, the environmental protection, the sea water transforms into
the industrial water and life use water desalination treatment, water softening treatment, the petroleum industry:
The petroleum product terminal filters and so on the organic solution recycling filters.If you are satisfactory with
our dust colleter and willing to know price and more information, we appreciate your following
If you are interested in our product, please contact us, and for more information.
Add:Industrial Zone,Beihuan Road,Muye District,Xinxiang City,Henan P.R.China