Qualified Johnson well screen Uses
Qualified Johnson well screen is a kind of filtered water tubing with the perforation .it can use with the deep well pump, dive the water pump, also may use in the water-treating equipment, the environmental protection, the sea water transforms into the industrial water and life use water desalination treatment, running water treatment,
water softening treatment, the petroleum industry: The petroleum product terminal filters and the chemical acid, the alkali liquid filters, the ethyl alcohol and so on the organic solution recycling filters.
Compared with other Ordinary pipes
Qualified Johnson well screen with high open area are more suitable for the construction of high-quality water wells, oil wells and gas wells.
2. Low cost operation V wire wrap water well Screen with high open area shall favor
groundwater infiltration. Abundant water shall reduce the water levels down,
thus to save energy consumption.
3. Reduce the abrasion of the pump
4. Extend the life span of wells
5. Fixed tube and Protection Wells
Slot width shouldn't exceed 0.02mm and shouldn't less than 0.01mm compare to standard size when slot width is below 0.2mm
Slot width should be controlled within ± 0.02mm compare to standard size if slat width is bigger than 0.25mm
Hard plating the wedge bar surface, plating thickness is 0.20-0.30mm. surface hardness >HRC : 60-66 (HV700-900)Product structure : wedge wire screen and stainless steel pipe
If you are interested in our product, please contact us, and for more information.
Add:Industrial Zone,Beihuan Road,Muye District,Xinxiang City,Henan P.R.China